Friday, October 3, 2008

Requirement For Victory In Life's Battles

By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

The first requirement for victory in life’s battle is THE WORD. You must be full of the word. Jesus Christ, the Lord said ‘if you abide in me and my word abide in you, you will ask anything and it shall be done unto you’. The word of God is very essential to victory in life’s battle, it is the sword of the spirit {See Ephesians. 6:17 and Hebrews. 4:12}. The word is one of our weapons of warfare, and it is not carnal; but mighty through God, it is an offensive weapon used in attacking any problem. I have not seen the problem that can stand in the face of the word of God: one’s you lift up the word in the face of that problem, it must bow. Some claim that they use the word and it does not work, well, the word works. You have not used the word of God long enough that is why you think it has not worked. I have seen it work again and again, and that may be the reason God commanded me to name the ministry “The Word Works Ministry”.

God’s word is His work. The apostles said “… we will devote ourselves … to the ministry of the word” Act 6:4. To do the works of God: which includes winning the devil in battles. You must devote yourself to the word of God. The word of God is the work of God. Now, follow me. Some people asked Jesus in John 6:28
“What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus said in John 6:29 “This is the work of God that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.

God had sent His son Jesus, and Jesus is the word of God. When you believe the word, when you speak the word, when you devote yourself to the word, then you are doing the works of God.
If you read Genesis Chapter 1, you will observe that the major instrument used for creation was the word. No effort was recorded, no other work was mentioned other than “…And God said, let there be … and there was …” The only work God did apart from the word was the creation of man (and woman). Firstly, He spoke, “Let us make man …”. Secondly, he moulded the image with dust of the earth. Thirdly, he breathe on man, and man became a living soul. Apart from man, all created things (and beings) were spoken into existence
Though faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things, which are seen, were not made of things which do appear. Heb. 11:3

And the Bible says God rested on the seventh day. The work He did was the word he spoke. This is the reason why many of us preachers get very tired after finishing sessions of preaching and prayers. Those who are involved in deliverance will agree with me that they get tired after the deliverance session, because they use God’s creative word in the process.
If anyone is sick, speak the word and God will work the works of healing. If anyone is poor, speak the word and God will work the works of prosperity. If anyone is dying, speak the word and God will work the works of life. If anyone is bound, speak the word and God will work the works of deliverance. In the battle of life, speak the word and victory is SURE because God will work each time you speak the word of God, then God is ready to be at work. Using water, spiritual materials like candles, cross, oil for spiritual battle will not give you victory. Victory comes when the word is proclaimed by faith. The word is the work.

Healing, prosperity, deliverance are works only the word can do. Even the greatest miracle on earth, salvation is made possible only through the ministry of the word. Follow the word and the spirit of God will use you greatly. Have you ever seen where someone got saved through the use of candle or anointing oil? It is only through the word that a criminal can be transformed to a saint. There is a place (though) for the anointing oil, anointed handkerchiefs e.t.c. Follow the word and you are set and ready for miracles, be filled with the word and the spirit will overshadow you. If the word of God is removed or taken away, almost nothing is left of the work of God. No word, no work, know the word, and know victory

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