Sunday, November 10, 2019

Power of the tongue

Your tongue has got tremendous power. God created man in his own image, one of the greatest thing that make man to be in the image of God is the tongue. As a human being what you say matters, it carries tremendous power that can make or destroy. Unknown to many people they are destroying themselves by the things they speak with their own mouth.
God knows we will have problems and face difficulties and go through difficult situations. God gave man the power to have dominion, and to rule and to subdue everything on the face of the Earth. There is nothing on planet earth that have the ability to subdue any man no matter how great anything is on earth, man is built to subdue it and to overcome it and to rule over it. if you are not ruling and subduing your world it is because you are not using the power of the tongue God says you will have whatsoever you say with your mouth. The Bible says anything I God hear you say is what I will do for you so from now begin to say good things positive things anything that you want is what you should speak and it will come to pass.