Saturday, November 8, 2014

Truth Or Fact?

From Pastor Sunday Joseph Adenuga:
The truth does not change from age to age and from place to place, its evergreen. Fact is the present reality and it does not last.

Jesus said, "I am the Way, The Truth and The Life". One of the strongest characteristics of truth is that it does not change. Facts changes and realities are unstable. What you are going through now may be real and a glaring fact, but I am glad to announce to you that it is not the truth. Your present reality is not enough to define who you really are.

The truth is what GOD says and all of that is in the bible. The reality is that you are broke but the truth is that "My GOD shall supply all..." The fact is that you are weak, but the truth is "Let the weak say, 'I am strong'".

Will you believe and hang on to your reality or the truth? What you believe and hang on to will determine your future. I do hope you flow with me this morning. Be blessed and remain blessed.

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