Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maintaining Motivation - 5 Steps to Success

Are you a Work at Home Mom who struggles with maintaining the momentum it takes to keep growing toward success? Do you find yourself constantly having to pull yourself back to your work? Are the interruptions in your day, even your life, interfering with the progress you would like to make? If the answer is yes, you will be glad to know that you have the ability to overcome these obstacles to your success.

Diligence is the answer.

Diligence: being persistent, working conscientiously.

The general rule of all work is: details! Every accomplishment is made up of smaller details. Paying attention to those details and performing the work of those details leads to success.

The reason we struggle with being diligent is that we find the details to be drudgery. We'd rather be doing something exciting. That's how the details start to be ignored. We lose focus on the task at hand. We find our motivation directed towards something different. As a result we aren't seeing the outcome we had hoped for.

As we take some time off and begin to take it easy on our business (or any other tasks, for that matter) the tasks get left and begin to pile up, to be returned to later. As they pile up the tasks seem more unbearable and the job soon becomes overwhelming. It's hard to be motivated to do something overwhelming.

So what's our answer?

Here are 5 steps to take to keep you motivated:

1. Make a list. List the details of the task you must complete.

2. Value the details. Realize that the details may seem mundane but they are the answer to success.

3. Focus. Keep focusing on the reward, the success you are working toward.

4. Stay diligent. A little action each day adds up to great results.

5. Plan ahead. Get an action plan in place for each detail. Could you start an outline or jot down some thoughts? When the job has been started it isn't as difficult to motivate yourself to get back to it.

Diligence means being faithful in accomplishing the little, mundane, albeit necessary things. When you pay attention to the details and work constantly at them the results follow. We all long to see the results! See yours today!

And now I would like to offer you free access to my 3 Success Strategies for Work At Home Moms. You can download them by going to http://www.patandersontoday.com/3-wahm-success-strategies/

From Pat Anderson - Inspiring Work At Homes Mom to make a difference!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pat_L_Anderson

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