Saturday, March 15, 2008

You are called to be a Success
By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

You were called to inherit a blessing if you are born again. See 1Peter 3:9. You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Every blessing that you need, to make life comfortable unto you has already been given to you; it is in you. It’s your responsibility to draw it out and use it for your own benefit.
Whatever you want to do or become in life is possible; you have what it takes to make it in you; it’s in you, use it. If you fail, the problem is not God’s but yours. Success is in you, believe it and use it. Power is in you, believe it, and use it. If you use it God will support you, if you fail to use it, He has nothing to hold on to in supporting you. Hence you are on your own in the realm of failure.

Value yourself

Getting you to be born-again cost God so much, making you valuable did not come without a price. Jesus paid the price. You need to value ‘you’. Value yourself because God values you. If you do not value yourself you will tend to do the following

1. You will be negligent in praising and worshiping God. The more you praise Him in worship, the more your value increase in heaven, the more you are known. The devil told the seven sons of Sceva "Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you" Acts 19:15. These boys, even though their father was one of the chief priests, they were unknown, unrecognized in the spiritual realm. God was not partial; it was just that they had not accepted the gift of life, JESUS CHRIST. Worship enhances your value; you were created for this purpose, to worship the almighty God. If you study the book of Revelation, you will discover that the only job that is done in heaven is worship. It is done twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. To neglect to worship God is to undervalue ‘you’.
To increase your value; you have to highly esteem the habit of Biblical worship. Do you know that tongues will cease, prophecy will become of no value, and faith will become unnecessary? Worship is the only thing we will give to our God when we get to heaven. Study the Psalms and you will understand the major reason God place high value on David. David became a man after God’s heart because of purposeful worship. Psalm 148:1-14 records
'Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights …
Kings of the earth, and all people, princess and all judges of the earth;
Both young men and maidens; old men, and children
Let them praise the name of the lord; for His name alone is excellence; His glory is above the earth and heaven.
He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all His saints';
Worship or praise does something when it comes from the heart of men. It exalts the people of God, to exalt means to increase your value in Psalm 149:6, we read
'Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand'.
If the high praises of God is not there, then the sword may not work. The high praises of God in your mouth, right from a grateful heart will make the two-edge sword,
'To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
To bind their kings with chains
The power to bind and loose is in the word of God (the two edge sword) but it is enhanced by quality praise. Study the Psalm 149:1-9

2. You will not believe all that is written in the word of God concerning you. If you refuse to believe what the word says you are, then you will not be what He says you are. Please note that if you do not become what the word says you are, it means that your value is greatly reduced to your own disadvantage. You are not what men says that you are, you are not what your enemies says that you are; you are what GOD says you are. Let’s see some of the things the word of God says you are,
see I John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children and have overcome them; because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
You are of God. Believe it, accept it, practice it and be sure it is true as far as you are concerned. You have overcome them. Who are the ‘them’? ‘Them’ includes all the by-products of the devil, sin, sickness, diseases, death, wickedness, evil-spirits, oppressions, depressions, lack, poverty etc. You have overcome fear and timidity, believe it, and let it done on you. God is not partial; that things are not happening in your life is not God’s fault but yours. The good news is this, no matter how long you been suffering defeat in life, you can begin to win even now. You can win in life, God loves you and He is not partial: you rise up and take the challenge.
If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you cannot enjoy any of the promises of God. The only ticket that qualifies you to enter into this realm is to be born again. Why don’t you repent of your sins and surrender your life to Him now. If you are ready for this decision, bow your head now and pray this prayer: -
Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me so much that you sent your only begotten son to die for my sin. I realize that I am a sinner doomed for death, and eternal damnation. I hereby accept your offer of life through our Lord Jesus Christ; I open the doors of my heart to you Lord Jesus. I know that you died for me even though you never sinned so that I can be free from the penalty of sin. Thank you for loving me and making me a brand new man.
I heartily congratulate you. Please write me so that I can send you the materials that will help you to grow in the Lord. Your testimony will encourage others; write your testimony for publication in the next edition. I invite you to attend any of our programs as stated in this magazine.
Congratulation one’s again

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