The Wise Builder
By Mrs. Olabisi Adenuga
Every woman is a builder one-way or the other. The earlier you knew this the better for you and your family. Many of us believe that our husbands are the only builders in the home, and that we are only there to help them. Well in a way that is true, but in reality we are partners and co builders with our husbands. Our input is as important as that of our husbands. In most cases, our deep understanding of life and wisdom in handling cases goes a long way to help our husbands to be more successful. We can ask ourselves, "Which house am I building?" Or another question may come up from the inner man "Am I a wise builder or a foolish one?" Let’s try to define the term, Builder: A builder is someone who carefully follows a plan set down for a new building. She supervises the constructions of the building from start to finish.
The best plan to follow is God’s. The Bible contains God’s perfect plan for you marriage or home. If you follow God’s plan according to the Bible which happens to be our manufacturer’ manual, you will build a lasting and strong home. The house cannot be built without a solid foundation, the bigger and stronger the proposed house the deeper the foundation must be. You have to be a wise master builder, let’s consider Pro. 31:10-13
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
A virtuous woman is a person that purpose in her heart to be relevant in the hand of God. With this determination in your heart you are set for victory in the building of your home. If you want to build a skyscraper, your foundation will demand more time and materials than the woman who plans to build a bungalow. We are the salt of the earth; we are also the light of the world. We should try and sweeting our homes and all around us. You are a virtuous woman not by the way you dress, or how popular you are, or the amount of money in your bank account. Your inner man reveals the kind of woman you are, and this will show in your outward appearance. The heart you have for Christ will determine the way you handle situations that confronts you all the time. Jesus Christ must be the solid foundation upon which to build your life and home.
"Therefore whosoever heareth this saying of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise woman, which built her home upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that home, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock". Mathew 7:24-25
What can help you as a woman who is a wise builder of that home where God placed you as a mother? They are the following points I am about to make: -
Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. That is having a personal encounter with the Lord.
Receive the Holy Spirit of God into your life, let Him be your Guide, endeavor to have a close relationship with Him, let Him (The Spirit of God) be your closest friend, counselor and advocate
Walk in love. This is the greatest commandment in the word of God, love your husband, his work, his hobbies, e t c
Fear God with all your heart and
Learn to be truthful and honest all your life.
Building your home as a wise master builder is the only way to ensure the future of all your children.
"And everyone that heareth this saying of mine and doeth them not shall be liken to a foolish woman, which build her home upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the wind blew, and beat upon that home and it fell, and great was the fall of it".
Matthew7: 26-27.
The Bible says in Ecclessiastes8: 1 ‘who is the wise woman? And who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? A woman’s wisdom makes her face to shine, and the boldness of her face shall be changed’.
An excellent woman is a woman of interpretation. She has the power of imagination to everything happening around her. She safeguard some situations and problems ever before they happen, this she does through prayers and in seeking God’s guidance. We can then say that a woman is a watcher that always stands in the watchtower over her home. Watch with love over your home. I love you.
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