The Big Problem ≠ The Solution. The Solution = Let It Be (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
I want to challenge you from this time forth, to begin to look at problems from another advantaged perspective, see problems as opportunities which they are, see them as another great challenge that will add solution and ease to the way people live on planet earth.
Another dangerous thinking in the minds of some people is that they themselves are problems. You are not a problem, you are a solution, even if you are handicapped, you are not a problem, rather there is a problem you were created to solve. This is the pure truth, and I want it to really done on you, that you were sent here to provide a solution to a certain problem, discover that problem and begin from today to think about how to bring a global solution. This is very essential.
Say to yourself a million times everyday, "I am a solution that this world is waiting for", really, this world is waiting for the solution that you will proffer. The Wright brothers gave us airplane that is making people fly from one country to another, Thomas Edison gave us electric lamp, Faraday gave us electricity and so many others giving us solution to problems and now our planet is becoming sophisticated and global peace is becoming possible. You have to realize that you matter, no matter how insignificant you may think that your contribution to this planet. Your little contribution goes a long way, please do not allow this consciousness to depart from your thinking. Those teachers teaching the little children are doing great jobs, the cobbler who mends people's shoes is so important, the taxi driver who takes people to their destinations is doing a great job.
Whatsoever it is that you are doing in a positive way goes a long way to help make this world a very better place, keep on doing it. What you do positively is helping to solve other people's problem so keep at it, there is a reward. When we gave birth to our first son, we did not have a car, but the night my wife was going to deliver the boy, we needed a car to take her to the hospital and it was late in the night, suddenly, a taxi was just driving past, I chattered the taxi and he took us to the hospital. In less than twenty minutes, my wife delivered, can you imagine, if the taxi did not come by to take us to the hospital, she would probably deliver along the street, and no experienced midwife could have attended to her leading to danger to the baby and its mother. Every work that people do is important and is a form of solution to other people's problems.
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