By Sunday Joseph Adenuga
Let me tell you some cold facts about the wonders of God
You have to understand that God doesn't do any of His wonders without using a man. We are never told that God came down at any time to perform any of the wonders or miracles, He always and will continue to find a man He can use to perform these signs and wonders. God is always looking for a man, the Bible says,
"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found not".
That can be found in the book of Ezekiel 22:30. What is written in Isaiah 59:16 is even more direct,
"And He saw that that was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His hand brought salvation unto Him: and His righteousness, it sustained Him".
When God wanted to preach the gospel of salvation to Cornelius and his household, though an Angel was sent to him, the angel could not preach the gospel, he only told Cornelius to get a man, Peter, to teach him the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The angel could have easily explain to him the gospel, but in this realm, God uses man to do His works like preaching, teaching, working of miracles, signs and wonders and so on. It is true that God rained down bread from heaven, but Moses was used to do this great miracle.
God cannot work except He uses a man to perform His works. What does this imply? It is very simple, God will always use a man to bless you, He will help you through a man, He will reach out to the world, bless the teaming population of the poor of the earth through an instrument called man, and that man can be you or me. He uses ordinary men like you and me, this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It doesn't matter how ordinary a man may be, if God has decided to use him, He gives him power, wisdom and grace to perform miracles, signs and wonders: not only that, He backs him up and supports him to do great things no one can ever believe he is ever capable of doing. Once you are chosen, you are instantly given the power to 'bind and loose'; the decreeing power. See Mathew 18:18,19.
Anyone that God will use must be a man of FAITH, for this is the only connection source recognized by heaven. Some of the people God uses to perform signs and wonders got involved with the supernatural through their personal interest, active participation in the things of God. When a man desire to be used by God to perform miracles because of the need to help solve human problems, such a man may be blessed and gifted to perform extra-ordinary miracles that will baffle the greatest critique. Sometimes God is the one who will so much endow a man to be so powerful to perform great feats that are beyond scientific explanations. Such a man may not even be interested in the things of God initially, he may not even know the scripture but when the deed is done and the call is manifested he or she will do well to get educated in biblical studies.
My purpose in writing this article is to help you see the fact that wonders of God are still real today, and that people are still enjoying God's supernatural intervention: that is not all, God is still using ordinary people like you to perform miracles. If I succeed in getting you to see this point, then you will come to a situation where you are ready either to accept and expect the gift of a miracle which may already be on your way. Or you may also be put in a position where you will be ready to allow God to use you to perform a miracle in the lives of people around the world. If the later is the case, then you should be acquinted with the following qualifications for working the wonders of God.
1. Your life must be completely dedicated to God. You must be ready to live a life of total submission to the will of God in all humility and meekness. You will put God first and His kingdom from now on because you will know that God is more than enough to supply all your needs. See Matthew 6:32-34.
2. Your life must be given over to the ministry of the WORD and PRAYER, see Acts 6:2-4. The WORD of God is the power of God, He couldn't do anything without His word, and since you want to work wonders and miracles which only God can perform, then you need His word with which He created the entire world. The word of God is the raw material for miracles, while prayer is the ability to communicate and get God's undivided attention and intervention on any matter. The result of prayer is the direct working of miracles and signs.
Through the instrumentality of prayer, Hannah was blessed with Samuel, one of the greatest prophets of all time. See 1Samuel 1:10-17. Jabez's life and destiny was changed because he prayed to God 1Chronicles 4:9,10. Hezekiah's days on earth were prolonged because he dared to pray. Which miracle is greater than eliminating death and getting healed of a disease that was sure to consume a man? Prayer is so powerful and important that even dry bones in the valley received new flesh, sinews, tissues and life because a man of God just spoke words of faith to them see Ezekiel 37:1-13. No matter what you are facing now, there is a miracle in store for you, I only need you to believe this write up and you can experience a miracle right away.
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