Thursday, March 18, 2010

Law of Sowing and Reaping

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By Sunday Joseph Adenuga

Let's read from the Bible book of Genesis 8:32

While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease

Also in the Bible book of Galatians 6:7-9, we read

Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everlasting
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.

Seed time and harvest time shall never cease as long as this earth remains. This means that if you plant, you will harvest. No matter how good or bad you are, you will harvest what you planted. Success in life does not answer to been good or holy, it does not respect fasting and prayer alone, it responds only to sowing and reaping. Three things must be continually sown by you if you want to experience a continuous harvest. They are your Time, Talent and Treasure.

Your Time
First it is profitable for you to invest your time for the things of God, then for your family after that your business or work. The more time you give for God, the more favor God gives you, and the more supernatural power of God works on your behalf. Also as you invest quality time on your family, you are able to influence and give your family a good direction. When you invest a very good time for your business, you will become more profficient in that job.

Your Treasure
Giving your money is very essential. You must to God qualitatively and generously. Solomon beyond the normal one big offering, he gave a thousand offerings and God blessed him beyond the normal natural blessings. Give your money, your tithes, sow a big seed into the kingdom of God, these are the spiritual raw materials that goes on to build the pillar of success that no man or force on earth can shake. Bless your pastor, envelop some money and give to him. This is for your own good, you are the one to benefit from such giving, not the one to whom you give, or the one receiving it from you. Financial prosperity answers to giving, not fasting, not a holy life, I sincerely hope you will understand this simple fact of life without distorting it or misunderstanding my point.

I learnt the art of giving from Bishop David Oyedepo through his books and tapes, initially it was difficult for me to understand it. The truthis that the things of God are not meant to be understood, they are meant to be fully believed and obeyed, that is why we are called believers. I then began to sow good seeds into people's lives, the offerings I give began to increase, my tithes became more regular and guess what? God has not ceased to bless me ever since.

Dear Reader, give to God, sow good seeds into the Kingdom and your harvest will be a big one. As you give to God, you must also invest your money into a profitable business venture. You can never be rich collecting salary, it will only make you comfortable. If you want financial prosperity and independence, then you must invest in a profitable business venture.

What kind of business is good for you?

There are a thousand and one businesses, but you must know yourself and what you love doing, if you do what you love, you will not get bored or tired, though you are working hard, it will be fun doing it because you love it. It is also good to study your environment and watch out for a need, find out what is lacking; what you can give in terms of products or services that people will gladly pay you for with appreciation.If you can find a need of the people in your environment and make a plan to proffer a solution, this is how to locate a hot business business.

You can make it, only let your motive be right, let it be to help others, to proffer solution to their problems, to help meet a need, then in a matter of time you will see yourself becoming a big success in your community. Your financial increase will be unstoppable by any force on earth.

May I suggest that if you are a salary earner, you should begin to think of how you will fire your boss. Think of what you can give to mankind in exchange for their money; think of what you can invest that can yield millions back to you in real time.
David C Joe said that, “you will either resign, retire or be retrenched in your present job” Why wait till you will be retrenched or retired? Why don't you resign now to begin a business; though the beginning may be small, with time and hard work, you can turn that small business into a mighty multinational company.
As I write this, I feel in my spirit that someone reading this book is getting out of slavery; someone is moving up the ladder; are you the person?


You must be ready to give all your talent to whatever you finally decide to be doing as a business. Your all, must be given into that business, your thinking, your energy, all your ability, everything.
Check yourself, which special ability have you found, I mean that thing you find easy and interesting, that is your talent, use it and exploit it to the fullest. That is your rod, that is what will divide the red sea of life before you, use that talent. A lot of things and people will gain from that talent of yours if you properly channel it to the right direction. You are not a biological accident, you are not a waste, there is a reason for your existence, find it out and fulfill your purpose.

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