Sunday, April 19, 2009

Looking Only Unto Jesus

A 6th century mosaic of :en:Jesus at Church Sa...Image via Wikipedia

By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

What you see has a lot to do with what you get in life, and this has a lot to do with your destiny. Seeing is so important that it is impossible to get anything in this life without first seeing it in your mind. This may be a conscious effort or an unconscious effort, but the truth is that nobody gets anything without first seeing it.

When God called Moses, he couldn’t do much because he focused only on himself, not on God, so he asked several questions, he even asked God to send somebody else. In Exodus 7:1 God spoke to Moses, “…See, I have made thee a god to pharaoh…” Meaning that God was saying, get your eyes off yourself; get them off your weakness; get them off the enemy’s power; and focus on my words.

When you focus on yourself, you will see weakness, failure, defeat, inadequacy, and shame. Why? No one is perfect, you cannot afford to focus on those imperfections, and they will lead you to more failure in life. Those who focus on themselves always experience poverty and death. You are not to focus on the mountains of problems either, you are more than the problems of life; you are more than the pains you are passing through. Stop allowing these things to rule you or dictate your pace in life. It is time you stopped complaining about what you do not have and start believing God for them, and start seeing them as if you have them already.

Let’s learn from Moses and see how he complained before God even before he commenced the assignment given to him by God.

Number one, Moses complained to God when he was called and said “…who am I that I should go to Pharaoh…” Exodus 3:11 he was looking at his inability instead of looking at the ability of Him who has called him. Do not look at yourself; the Bible says “looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith.”

The second complaint of Moses was this, “…What shall I say unto them?” Exodus 3:13. Speak the word of God to your circumstances, say I shall not die, speak the word of God and say, I shall not fail. Say good things no matter what happens, even when you are dying say the things that you desire to happen and it will happen. Never say anything that when it happens you will not be happy. Moses said, “What shall I say to them?” Do not ask that kind of question, say to them (your troubles), I shall overcome, I am more than conquerors.

The third complaint of Moses was this, “…But behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice…” Exodus 4:1-9. To you I proclaim that you should go and do what God says. Speak to your problems, they will obey you; speak to your situation, don’t speak about it, speak to it. When you speak about it, you are telling people the facts of the matter, but when you speak to it, you are telling it what you want it to do to you. When you say, “I don’t have money” you are speaking about your situation. But when you say, “But my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” then you are speaking to your situation. Do you get what I am saying?

The fourth complaint of Moses was this, “…I am not eloquent…” Exodus 4:10-12. The reply of God is very clear to him and to us now, God said, “I will be thy mouth” you have to understand that God doesn’t save by anybody’s eloquence. However you speak, God hears you and will respond to your words in due time, make sure you speak when it is convenient and when it is not. Your words are seeds, they are not wasted, and they work even as God’s word works.

The fifth complaint made by Moses was very bloody; very bad, hear it “…O my Lord, send I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send.”
Never tell God he made a mistake to create you or call you.
Never tell God to leave you and look for someone else.
Never tell God you cannot do what He has called you to do.
Never tell God you are too weak to obey Him.
God became very angry with him as a result of this foolish reaction. Moses lost something of value for making this mistake, God had to look for Aaron to come and help, Aaron eventually became the high priest and his sons forever. Moses’ children became disqualified; their names were not even heard. Be very careful not to complain before God, it has far reaching implications.

The sixth complaint was understandable because pharaoh has increased the burdens of the people of Israel instead of releasing them, so Moses complained before God, read it in Exodus 5:22, 23
“And Moses returned unto the Lord, and said, Lord, wherefore has thou so evil entreated this people? Why is it that thou hast sent me?”
He queried God’s call upon his life because of temporary failure. This is a warning to you, in life, there will always be a time of temporary failure, never look back or complain when you fail. David said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil” Temporary defeat is not equal to failure.
Please note this truth, the fact that God has called you, or told you to do that thing does not mean that you will not face challenges and failure. There will always be problems, difficult tasks, but you will overcome at last. When the going get tough, look unto Jesus. Stop looking unto yourself; you will fail more when your focus is on you.

The seventh complaint was the last; it taught Moses how to focus and what to see. In Exodus 6:30 we read,
“And Moses said before the Lord, behold, I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall pharaoh hearken unto me?”
God gave him a powerful answer, He said, “See, I have made thee a god to pharaoh.” It is the same thing God is saying to you today, “behold, I have made thee a god to all your problems.”

Every one of us makes the complaints highlighted above, and the reason we do is that we never got our eyes off ourselves; we refuse to see what God wants us to see; we magnify the problems more than God’s ability in us. The moment God told Moses to begin to see himself as a god; he never gave another complaint in his life afterwards. He moved as a general that he was, he spoke with boldness, and he shook pharaoh and all Egypt with his words.
See yourself too as a god to all your problems

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