Friday, November 21, 2008

Difficulties, Not strong enough to stop you 2

By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

We made all the effort we could but at the end of the day we were disgraced out of the house because the court bailiefs came to pack out our load in our very presence. They came on the order of the court, unknown to us that the land lady had secured such a judgement against us, we continued to live in the house until that fateful morning when they came to throw out our load from the court.

Can you imagine the situation when your properties are packed out of your house where you are known and respected as a responsible man in the society! Even the horror of facing your own very children to explain the situation is almost unbearable, it is a shame of the highest order. That is exactly what my wife and I passed through, it was a tough time for us, but I always remember the phrase credited to Robbert Schuller, "tough times never last but tough people do" I decided to be a toughie, that though those times were tough, I would develop a tougher attitude. I made up my mind to let go of any pride, to build my wealth back even from the ground floor again. I was determined more than ever to make it. Difficulties that I was facing was not sufficient to discourage me or to scare me from planning to do greater things in life.

Suddenly, one day, I was able to get a copy of SUCCESS DIGEST EXTRA, a publication of Success Attitude Development Center, Lagos, Nigeria. I read through with great interest, I soon discovered that a week long workshop on Internet would be taking place late february 2008 tagged Demystifying The Internet IV. I managed to get the money to enrol for the course, I needed more than the amount specified because I would be traveling about less than 200KM to get to the venue and I would also need to prepare or get money ready for my food.

At the end of the week long seminar/workshop, I developed a liking for one of our lecturers, Mrs Iyabo Oyawale who further explained things to me more perfectly at no extra cost. May the Lord bless this dear sister. From then on I began to do one or two things via the internet and the money began to come in little by little, I can tell you to the glory of God that level is changing fast.

You too can still make it, just keep at it, keep doing the right things, you will overcome like I did.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Difficulties, Not strong enough to stop you

By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

No matter the level of the problems and difficulties you are presently going through, it may seem as if your whole world is coming to an end, I have a feeling in my heart that God is saying to you that you will go through.

Let me just share with you the story of my life when I had to completely cast all my cares onto the Lord. I was already doing fine, graduated at the age of 22+ in one of Nigeria's prestigious universities (Unilag), founded a thriving Nursery and primary school in Ibadan, Nigeria, bought cars, and was even giving out cars as gifts to others. I was succeeding by all standard.

All of a sudden, things began to take the negative turn, the enrolment of students in my school began to take the downward trend, you know this means lower income, and that means a lot. Events began to happen one after the other, most of the valuable possessions were either sold, stolen or lost. All these things happened in quick succession, the greatest intension of the devil was to break my heart, discourage me, and make me loose my testimony.

But I was all the more determined to be even more successful despite the torrents of evil things happening, I refuse to allow the negative situations arround me to dictate my mood. I must be frank with you, it was one of the hardest things to do on earth, to keep faith in the face of discouragement from friends and family. It is not easy to be hearing what they are saying and keep the faith, many will say it to your face that you are here because of sin, some will say because you were bad in the first place, others will make jest of you, many will experience their pleasure at your fall. All these should make you to go to work to surprise them that even you can still make it.

Many people who could not even raise up their head when I was talking in the good old days now started coming forward to offer their own advise on how I should run my life. Everybody now turned themselves to my coach, many of the advise were not worthy, infact more than ninety percent had to be thrown away. I was just observing and studying human beings, many thought that was my end, and that nothing good can come out of my Nazareth. Many good old friends would not want to have anything to do with me anymore. I remember going to beg for a soft loan from a very close friend, an amount I figured out he should be able to sqeeze out for me. He not only turned me down, he said some words I will never forget because from what he said you will know that he doesnt believe I can get out of the ruts. But thank God today I did. That was the reason why I reiterated my vow that I will never go a borrow in my life forever.

It got to the climax, I sold my house, my wife and I together with all our children began to live in rented apartment. One day the Landlady made effort to throw out our properties out of her house. To be continued

The Power of Persistence

By Adenuga Sunday Joseph

One of the most important factors of success in the universe is persistence. This is the ability to stick your neck out on something you believe in despite all the contrary circumstances. To every call in life there is always a time of wilderness experience, a time of difficulties, challenges and temptation when one seriously considers giving up what one is doing.

Even our Lord Jesus christ came to a point in His life and ministry (or business), that He really wished the cup would pass over Him. Persistence is not the absence of difficulties, it is going ahead doing what you believe inspite of difficulties, oppositions, discouragement, lack of flow of finance and all forms of evil that is hell bent in making you to pack it all up.

Let me assure you that there will be opposition and discouragement along your way if you are going to do anything worthwhile. Valuable things and accomplishment have a way of attracting forces of opposition and difficulties especially in the beginning. Learn to face life; to face difficulties; to face opposition with a determination to not only complete the task at hand but to finish it gloriously. Right inside of you is a creative power inbuilt by God to overcome every difficulties, you have that thing in you that can win any battle in life.

Please do not ever forget this, you are more than that task, you can do all things, as long as you are alive you are equal to any task. Never give up, you can make it big, so face it and do it, never fall short of accomplishing that thing you set out to do in the first place.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Profiting Through Every Opportunities

By Grelohi

Majority of people never achieve true success and fortune, because they always wait for the big opportunity, which never comes. The world is filled to the brim with abundant opportunities. It however takes the binoculars of God to see these opportunities.

I am going to illustrate the above statement with a thought provoking story. Two friends Visited India on vacation. While there, they saw lots of people walking on bare feet. One said to the other, “See the level of poverty!” But the other saw a shoe factory. He returned home and began designing shoes, and not only established a shoe factory, which made him a multi-millionaire.

Some see obstacles, while others see opportunities. Never wait for that big break, because it may never come. Build from what you know and love and begin to niche your way to success. No idea is too small to be ignored.

You can make a surprising amount of money from a very small but focused idea, even if others tell you there is no market! We expose ourselves to failure when we foolishly wait for the right opportunity or condition to come before venturing to make a move. There is no guarantee that your life will get better with time; you must take tangible steps to ensure it. The passing of time does not guarantee the improvement of life, but only what is done in the passing time that does.

If you refuse to do anything to improve your circumstances, you will be where you are today in the next four years. You must stop dreaming and start doing. When you see an opportunity, leap on it. Gone are the days when you wait for the ship to berth. You got to swim into the water and jump into the ship.

H.I. Hunt, the great American oil Magnet, was once asked the secret of his success. He replied: “ success requires two things only. First, you must know exactly what you want. Unfortunately, most people never make this decision. Second, you must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve it and then get busy paying the price”

Creating Wealth

Written by Grelohi

Research carried out more than two years ago in the United States of America, showed that more than one hundred billionaires were been made yearly. 80% of these billionaires were business owners!

The above statistics simply points to one fact: you can never be truly wealthy working for someone else. The best way to secure your future, is to own a business of your own. Wealth creation starts from the inside of an individual. It is a function of the mind. Whatever you think on your inside will manifest outside. To be a wealth creator, you must have achievable goals and dream big.

Creating a product or service will enhance your wealth creation profile.You may want to ask, where do I start? You must start from with what you have! Never you despise your gift or talent. “A man’s gift will always make a way for him” Five ways of getting Wealthy·

Through InheritanceIt is common for individuals to inherit their parent’s wealth, after their demise. The danger of acquiring this type of wealth however is that such wealth can be spent carelessly, since the individual didn’t labor for it.·

Working for others: One may be lucky to get a job with the federal, state or local government.It may even be a private establishment. The above facts do not however count toward your goal in creating wealth, because you only end up enriching those you are working for.·

Stealing or Cheating PeopleLot’s of lazy folks follow this ignoble path, and end up becoming wealthy. The problem though, is that they never get to enjoy such ill gotten wealth. Any wealth acquired through dubious means only bring sorrow and pain to the individuals who acquired them.·

Invest in Various Business Opportunities: Investment makes money works for you. Your money multiplies when you invest it. You must however put into consideration, what the various returns on investment can give you when making your investment decisions. Before embarking on any business investment, you must consult a professional and update yourself in the area you wish to invest in. If you don’t have a long-term investment strategy in place, you may fall into the money trap. What are the various investment opportunities available to the average entrepreneurs? They are lots of opportunities in the investment world for one to choose from:¨ Global stock¨Government bonds¨Mutual funds¨Common stocks¨Treasury bills¨Oil and Gas¨Housing and real estate¨Gold/SilverInvesting in business opportunities is one of the safest ways of creating wealth.Remember to always monitor your investment.·

Starting Your own profitable business: This is one of the surest ways of creating wealth. You must however find a business to start, by identifying people’s need. Do a little research by finding out those who are already selling similar products or offering the kind of service.Find out why people are buying their product. Find out how much they are selling. After finding out the above facts, you then go ahead to source fund for your business. This can be achieved by
>> Getting loans from friends and relatives
>>Getting loans from banks
>>Personal savings
The issue of the type of business (sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability), must have been settled before now.
On a final note, you must seek advice before you register your business.

Learn to handle frustration¨ Be passionate about wealth creation
Passion + Profitability=Wealth¨
Handle rejection¨ Be focused and creative¨ Give more than what you expect to receive¨ Continually update yourself with current trend

In closing, I would love to share this thought provoking story.Two friends Visited India on vacation.While there, they saw lots of people walking on bare feet.One said to the other, “See the level of poverty!” But the other saw a shoe factory.He returned home and began designing shoes, and not only established a shoe factory, which made him a multi-millionaire.